Level 1 thru Level 8
All Parish Children are encouraged to attend Religious Education Classes. It helps our children grow in the knowledge of the Catholic faith as well as deepen their relationship with God and the Church. Registration for Religious Education class begins in July through August. Classes start in October and continue through April of the following year. From 6:30pm to 7:45pm on Wednesday evenings, classes meet on a weekly basis. We break open the Word with wonderful teachers who have volunteered their time to share the teachings of our faith and be witnesses to the faith for our children. Caring, nurturing and spiritual men and women conduct our classes. Parent Handbooks are available to get more information on Religious Education, curriculum, and program policies.
**The Registration fee:
First child is $80.00
Second child is $140.00
Third child is $180.00
The Sacrament Fee:
First Holy Communion $25
Confirmation $35**
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
The program prepares our children for their first experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the reception of First Eucharist. Usually a child has been part of our Religious Education Program for a year before beginning this preparation. First Reconciliation will be celebrated in January and First Eucharist in May. This year the children receiving First Communion along with their parents are required to attend a retreat, more details will follow.
Children in Pre-K4 thru 2nd grade are called to gather on Sunday mornings in the Chapel during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. There the children experience the Scripture of the day and have the opportunity to express themselves in words and interactively in creative projects. At the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word, the children return to the body of the Church.
Liturgy of the Word for Middle School
The Church wants every baptized person -woman, man and child- to hear the fullness of the Scriptures because in listening to them, our faith is fed and our lives are directed along the way of Jesus. During the 9:00 AM Mass, children in grades 2-6 are invited to leave the main assembly so they can gather in the rectory meeting room to hear the readings in age-appropriate language and break open the Word to enhance their understanding of the Scriptures. Materials and catechetical formation will be provided to those who volunteer to lead the children during Liturgy of the Word.
This is a two-year program that begins in the 7th grade. The majority of the meetings are done during the regularly scheduled Religious Education Classes. There are additional sessions scheduled as necessary and there is a Retreat Day before Confirmation. Understanding the burden of every-day schedules in schools and sports and extra-curricular activities, we have made it our goal to have the program complement the life of these students and make it a religious growth experience rather than a difficulty for them to accomplish.